May 31, 2014

I made another cinemagraph in attempt to use that one instead of the one with the frozen Polaroid. I really like the frozen foot, however it just doesn't fit as well to the other five cinemagraphs then the Polaroid one. Guess, it's a typical case of killing your darling...

Business Cards are ready to go!

May 26, 2014

Book Packaging

Thinking about how to wrap the 100+ forgotten books and include a bookmark
that will show an impression-photograph and the first sentence of the book.
(every visitor of my final exam exhibition can choose one forgotten book to take home)

When I put the bookmark in like that, only a part of the impression-photograph is visible.
I like how it creates all these triangles.

However the first sentence of the book is not visible then.
Maybe I will also write it on the package by hand.

May 23, 2014


I'm very happy to announce that I managed to create a website as a source of inspiration for everybody who is interested in recycling and upcycling books or letting them circulate!

Have a look at:

May 2, 2014

(Please be patient - the cinemagraphs might need some loading time
before they run fluently.)


About Me

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Exploring the world, its society and culture. Experimenting with its materials. Preserving real beauty. Discovering true happiness. Staying curious.