Feb 28, 2014

Vergeten Boeken

Mijn afstudeerproject krijgt steeds meer een duidelijkere richting en vorm. Het originele idee was om de eerste zin van een medium te pakken, waar de focus op taal ligt en de worden vervolgens visueel te gaan vertalen. Ik dacht meteen aan songs of boeken of allebei.

Nu gaat mijn focus toch uit naar "vergeten boeken". In het tijdperk waarin alles digitaal dreigt te worden en boeken door veel mensen op schermen worden gelezen, wil ik het papieren boek graag een boost geven. Ik wil een selectie van afgeschreven boeken visueel gaan vertalen en zou ook graag een zitbank maken bestaande uit boeken die anders weggegooid zouden worden.

Zelf geniet ik erg van het papieren boek. Het is altijd een moment van rust voor mij en ik verbind het gevoel van het papieren boek in mijn handen en de geur ervan met vakantie. Het is fijn om een keer afstand te nemen van een scherm en niet gebonden te zijn aan de resterende tijd die de accu van je laptop of tablet je biedt.

Feb 18, 2014

Reincarnation Of The Forgotten

I have been struggling a lot with my ideas for the final exam.
A year ago I already had the thought, that I wanted to do something with reincarnation.
So I planned a photo-shoot to capture a circular path of falling and rising embodied by a beautiful elder woman. I had thoughts about a circular exposition of these photographs, but it didn't seem enough for me to graduate with.

I got really stuck thinking about what else I wanted to do to enrich this exhibition.
After a while I realised that what I had created in my mind was much more about death than about a new life. This is not what I intended. I wanted to talk about a new life, a second chance, a reincarnation - from old to new! So I got more and more unsatisfied with my original idea.

Looking at what I actually wanted to say, it sounded to me much like recycling.
I got excited again once I decided to focus on the recycling of human material which we produce and waist while living such as hair, nails, blood, etc. . But starting my research, I found out that exactly that has been done a year ago as a graduating project in Eindhoven.

I needed another mentor talk. Bas and I were throwing around with thoughts, trying to catch something interesting. First, we weren't very successful...
But then he went away to come back with coffee and a genious idea!

A new project is born. After brainstorming about it on my own later on, I realised I can form this project into something I really want to do and it even connects to my work in the past, thinking about my exposition "Forgotten People". 

I want to have a look now at forgotten books and/or songs and be inspired by their first sentence, because that is their birth, the new beginning, the entrance to their world. I want to reincarnate those forgotten pieces that someone, sometime made with love, by translating the words into images (most likely photographs).

I'm excited to start on this with a complete fresh mind :)

Feb 6, 2014

Salted Eggs

Reuse paper to make paper goods

Experimenting with a salt technique on water-colour.


About Me

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Exploring the world, its society and culture. Experimenting with its materials. Preserving real beauty. Discovering true happiness. Staying curious.